Asilo en Suecia Para solicitar asilo en Suecia hay que dirigirse a Suecia y entregar una aplicación directamente a la Dirección General de Migración de Suecia (Migrationsverket), o al cuerpo de
Residir na Suécia A Embaixada da Suécia em Lisboa não trabalha com questões relacionadas com a Migracão. Se deseja residir na Suécia por motivo de trabalho, estudos ou reunião familiar deve
英格玛∙伯格曼文学作品集发布 2月21日,瑞典驻上海总领事馆将和作家王凯梅一同,在上海联合举行伯格曼文学作品集《散文,文章和讲座》的中文译本发布会。 该作品集由克里斯托∙伯曼编辑,于2018年首次在瑞典出版。该译本包括伯格曼在60余年时间内撰写的85篇非小说散文,文章和讲座的译文。 江宁路66号上海美琪大剧院 China Standard Time
Të studiosh në Suedi Nëse planifikoni të studioni në Suedi, faqja e internetit është qendra juaj e informacionit me një ndalesë për studimet e arsimit të lartë në Suedi. Qëllimi i is the official gateway to Sweden. offers a representative collection of the extensive range of information that is available about Sweden on the Internet. The website
Procurement of Intermediary (Procurement Agent) Services The Embassy of Sweden in Kyiv wishes to procure a contract for intermediary (procurement agent) services. The assignment is described in the is the official gateway to Sweden. offers a representative collection of the extensive range of information that is available about Sweden on the Internet. The website
Swedish soul singer Elias on China tour As part of the Sino-Nordic music project "Music by Design", Swedish soul singer Elias is coming on a China tour. He will perform in Yiwu, Shanghai, Luoyang
International Women's Day Swedish Ambassador makes a commitment with Advance Women in Business Switzerland Equalitymeansbusiness#IWD2018 Tonight we celebrate IWD2018 with Advance Women in Business
Singapore Mental Health Film Festival On February 21–24 the first edition of the Singapore Mental Health Film Festival (SMHFF) took place at local cinema “the Projector”. The aim of the festival was