Music by Design: Scenen där nordiska och kinesiska musiker möts Det nordiska och kinesiska musiksamarbetet ”Music by Design” kommer på nytt till Shanghai med en liveföreställning på YuYinTang Park
In- och utresebestämmelser Från och med den 1 januari 2017 har Kazakstan infört viseringsfrihet för svenska medborgare, medborgare i övriga medlemsländer tillhörande OECD samt i Förenande
基于COVID-19的原因延长通过瑞典进入欧盟的临时禁令 5月14日瑞典政府决定延长通过瑞典进入欧盟的临时禁令至6月15日。 该决定的做出遵循了欧盟委员会的建议。进入禁令的原因正如先前,是为了降低SARS-CoV-2病毒传播的影响并减缓COVID-19的爆发。 临时禁令生效于3月19日。进入禁令已被延长至6月15日(包括该日),与欧盟委员会的建议一致。
上海露西亚庆典 12月7日,女孩和男孩们身着白袍,手捧蜡烛,吟唱瑞典民谣,瑞典驻沪总领事馆已经连续第5年与公众一同庆祝这个最富瑞典特色的传统节庆之一——露西亚节。 露西亚庆典的仪式包括由瑞典合唱团以及洋泾实验小学的孩子们组成的游行队伍,以及向现场超过400位观众提供“露西亚下午茶”——一种传统的瑞典圣诞茶歇,其中包括姜饼、藏红花口味的小面包,以及热红酒。 China Standard
Tourist information For tourists, Sweden is a country rich in opportunities; from the Arctic beauty of the North with its midnight sun, to the castles of the southernmost province Skåne with its
Tourist information For tourists, Sweden is a country rich in opportunities; from the Arctic beauty of the North with its midnight sun, to the castles of the southernmost province Skåne with its
Swedish food Sweden is a culinary nation shaped by its countryside. The summer – with long, light days and cool evenings – produces fruit that grows slowly and has rich flavors. The coastline
Swedish food Sweden is a culinary nation shaped by its countryside. The summer – with long, light days and cool evenings – produces fruit that grows slowly and has rich flavors. The coastline
Tourist information For tourists, Sweden is a country rich in opportunities; from the Arctic beauty of the North with its midnight sun, to the castles of the southernmost province Skåne with its
Finding new areas of community participation? - The case of the Energy Sector in Mozambique? On Monday February 26, the Swedish Ambassador Marie Andersson de Frutos participated in a panel on