+1 415 268 08 00 sanfrancisco@gov.se Sveriges generalkonsulat i San Francisco, USA Ska du resa hit eller är du redan här? Non-swedish citizen interested in Sweden Facebook US USA San
+32 22895800 generalkonsulat.bryssel@gov.se Sveriges generalkonsulat i Bryssel, Belgien Konsulär hjälp för svenskar Interested in Sweden? Facebook BE Belgien Bryssel Romance Standard Time
+258 21 48 03 00 ambassaden.maputo@gov.se Sveriges ambassad i Maputo, Moçambique Ska du resa hit eller är du redan här? Non-swedish citizen interested in Sweden Facebook MZ Moçambique Maputo
+354 520 12 30 ambassaden.reykjavik@gov.se Sveriges ambassad i Reykjavik, Island Ska du resa hit eller är du redan här? Non-swedish citizen interested in Sweden Facebook IS Island Reykjavik
瑞典驻上海总领事赴南京参加圆桌会议 3月20日,受江苏省人民政府之邀,各国驻沪领事机构代表前往南京参加圆桌会议。瑞典驻上海总领事林莉女士应邀出席。 此次圆桌会议以“新时代江苏新开放”为主题,重点讨论了处于“一带一路”交汇点的江苏省,将加强与各国的交流合作,共同把握开放新机遇,分享发展新成果,谱写合作发展新篇章。江苏省省委书记、省人大常委会主任娄勤俭、江苏省省长吴政隆,
La Embajada de Suecia a partir de ahora zona oficial de Bookcrossing La Embajada de Suecia en Madrid cuenta ahora con una zona oficial de intercambios de libros Bookcrossing, abierta a todos los
Asilo en Suecia Para solicitar asilo en Suecia hay que dirigirse a Suecia y entregar una aplicación directamente a la Dirección General de Migración de Suecia (Migrationsverket), o al cuerpo de
Tourism Sweden-Israel is increasing Tourism between Sweden and Israel is increasing! Last year 22,000 Israelis traveled to Sweden and 34,000 Swedes traveled to Israel. Tourism between Sweden and
The web portal Workinginsweden.se provides a step-by-step guide to the Swedish migration process. It is aimed mainly at non-EU/EEA citizens interested in working in Sweden for at least one year. The
The web portal Workinginsweden.se provides a step-by-step guide to the Swedish migration process. It is aimed mainly at non-EU/EEA citizens interested in working in Sweden for at least one year. The