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Embassy of SwedenHarare, Zimbabwe

Local time 10:49 PM

Swedish JPO programme opens up for Zimbabwean nationals

27 Jan 2020

Sweden opens up UN JPO positions for applicants from partner countries, including Zimbabwe‬an nationals. The Swedish JPO Programme is a unique opportunity to work for the UN and a great way to start an international career.

‪The Swedish JPO Programme is a unique opportunity to work for the UN and a great way to start an international career.

The Junior Professional Officer Programme (JPO) aims to give young professionals an opportunity to work in a UN organisation for two to three years  and thus get a foothold in the UN system and gain valuable experience for a continued career within the field of global development. 

Sida, The Swedish International Development Agency,  is now widening the scope for the Swedish JPO programme. Nationals from more than 35 countries can apply to the current vacancies. Those are countries where Sida is engaged in development cooperation.

Read more about the new JPO scheme and find vacancies‬ below:


Last updated 27 Jan 2020, 11.22 AM