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Embassy of SwedenHarare, Zimbabwe

Local time 6:29 AM

Sweden's New Government Policy For 2019

21 Jan 2019

Today, Prime Minister Stefan Löfven read the Statement of Government Policy in the Riksdag and presented the Government's intended policies for the coming year.

Sweden's New Government Policy For 2019 can be downloaded here: 

Mr Speaker, Honourable Members of the Swedish Riksdag,

All around Europe, extreme right-wing movements are spreading. In several countries, forces with an antidemocratic agenda have made it all the way to government. But in Sweden we stand up for the equal value of all people. We are choosing a different path.

We are now beginning a historic form of cooperation. Sweden will now have a Government made up of the Social Democratic Party and the Green Party that will cooperate on the budget and the direction of policy in several areas with the Centre Party and the Liberal Party.

Now we can finally make a fresh start. The problems in society cannot wait.
Jobs must increase and climate emissions must be reduced.
Welfare must improve and integration must become more efficient and effective.
Security must increase and crime must be combated.

Sweden is in need of major reforms. We can now address these, together, across the old political blocs.

Read the full statement here: 

Last updated 21 Jan 2019, 2.57 PM