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Embassy of SwedenLusaka, Zambia

Local time 11:43 PM

Questions and Answers on Procurement Document – Framework Agreement for Audit Services EoS Lusaka

Professional Certificates of Experts: Does the Embassy want CVs of consultants accompanied with copies of professional certificates of experts, or submissions should just be of CVs as per format in the Procurement Document?

Answer EoS: The tender shall include the CVs of the proposed Level 1 and Level 2 consultants. The templates in Appendix 8 and Appendix 9 shall be used. (see 4.4 in Procurement Document)

Format of Proposal: Are the Technical and Financial Components of Proposals to be submitted in separate documents, or in one combined document?

Answer EoS: The tender must include physical copies of all tender documents. Applicants should also submit an electronic copy on a USB-stick. (see 2.2.2 in Procurement Document)

Bid Binding: In previous tenders, bidders have been asked not to bind the documents and to merely submit them as loose/unbound documents. What is the requirement on this particular tender?

Answer EoS: There are no requirements on not binding the tender documents. (see 2.2.1-2.2.2 in Procurement Document)

Soft Copies: Are both the Technical and Financial Proposals, if separated, to be inserted on one stick/CD or flash disk, or should these be in separate saving disks?

Answer EoS: Electronic copies of all tender documents should be submitted on a USB-stick, not several. CD-discs are not accepted. (see 2.2.2 in Procurement Document)

Envelopes: Is the submission to be submitted in three separate envelopes i.e. a separate Technical Proposal envelope and Financial Proposal envelope and then placed in an Outer Third Envelope, or the bid(s) should just be in one envelope?

Answer EoS: There are no requirements on separate envelopes when submitting the tender. (see 2.2.1-2.2.2 in Procurement Document)

Envelopes: Are technical and financial components of the bids to be separated and placed in separate envelopes or these are to be submitted as one combined document?

Answer EoS: Section 2.2.2 The form of the tender or any other section in the Procurement Document does not say anything about separate documents for the different components of the tender, which means that the different components of the tender can either be in one single document, or in separate documents. The Procurement Document does not say anything about separate envelopes, which means that separate envelopes for different components of the tender is not required.

Certificates: Are certificates of staffed to be attached or not?

Answer EoS: Section 4.4 Qualifications and competence or any other section in the Procurement Document does not say anything about submitting professional certificates for staff, which means that it is not required.

it is not required.

Appendices: Please clarity if in the tender submission you would want all Appendix’s files filled and submitted or for us to simply state that we comply with the framework agreement and all appendix’s shared?

Answer EoS: Most of the appendices to the Procurement Document are for information; the Terms of Reference (App 1), General Conditions (App 3), Language Level Definition (App 6), Call-off Inquiry templates (App 10-11).

The draft Framework Agreement (App 2), Declaration of Honour (App 5) and Personal Data Processing Agreement (App 7) are also for information and to be signed together with the Framework Agreement by the winning tenderers.

The Self declaration (App 4) and CV-templates (App 8-9) are to be filled in and submitted together with the tender.

Location of NGOs/local organisations and internal travel: Could you advise where in Zambia the offices of the NGOs/local organisations are located please? This will enable us to assess how much internal travel is required

Answer EoS: Our agreement partners are located all over the country. Please note though, that the Procurement Document only requires the tender to include the hourly rates for Consultants level 1 and level 2 respectively and not any reimbursable costs.

Winning tenderers will, when assignments are called for by the Embassy, be requested to include the price of the assignment when submitting the call-off response (see Appendix 1 Terms of Reference). The Call-off inquiries and Terms of Reference for assignments will include further details on the specific services requested (see Appendix 10-11 Call-off Inquiry).

Last updated 28 Jun 2022, 9.21 AM