Alternate Text

Embassy of SwedenLusaka, Zambia

Local time 11:49 PM

Procurement of a Framework Agreement for Audit Services

Tenderers are hereby invited to tender for a framework agreement for audit services with the Embassy of Sweden in Lusaka.

The Procurement Document - Framework Agreement for Audit Services EoS Lusaka can be downloaded here

Questions regarding procurement documents must be directed through e-mail to under the subject “Q&A” no later than 2022-06-27.

A compilation of relevant questions and answers can be found on the Embassy website here.


Tenders shall be submitted to the contracting authority in accordance with the instructions in the procurement document no later than 2022-07-15 at 16.30 pm.


Tenderers shall take note of the following tender conditions: 

  • The Embassy does not bind itself to accept the lowest tender or any other tender, and reserves the right to accept the whole or part of the tender;
  • Tenders which are late, incomplete, unsigned or submitted by facsimile or electronically, will not be accepted.
  • Tenders submitted are to hold good for a period of 90 days;
  • The tenderer must be aware of and comply with the rules and regulations to perform the specific assignments in Zambia

Download the Procurement Document - Framework Agreement for Audit Services EoS Lusaka here, with attachments below:

Appendix 1 Terms of Reference Framework Agreement for Audit Services EoS Lusaka

Appendix 2 - Draft Framework Agreement

Appendix 3 - Sida's General Conditions for Framework Agreements and Contracts 2021.1

Appendix 4 - Self declaration by tenderer

Appendix 5 - Declaration of honour

Appendix 6 - Language Level Definition

Appendix 7 - Personal Data Processing Agreement

Appendix 8 - CV template consultant level 1

Appendix 9 - CV template consultant level 2

Appendix 10 - Call-off Inquiry Ranked Framework Agreement

Appendix 11 - Call-off Inquiry Renewed Competitive Tendering


Tenders shall be submitted to the contracting authority in accordance with the instructions in the procurement document no later than 2022-07-15 at 16.30 pm.


A compilation of relevant questions and answers can be found on the Embassy website here

Last updated 28 Jun 2022, 9.22 AM