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Embassy of SwedenLusaka, Zambia

Local time 5:30 PM


13 Apr 2021

April 13, 2021 – The Zambia Environmental Management Agency (ZEMA) and the Swedish Chemicals Agency have signed a cooperation agreement on pesticide management in Zambia.

The agreement involves the provision of both technical and financial support to ZEMA through the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida).

Under the three year cooperation agreement which runs up to 2023, KEMI, through Sida is set to provide a grant of SEK 11.5 million Swedish Krona (K 29,159,189) over 29 Million Zambian Kwacha to support the establishment of a robust pesticide registration process, improved management of highly hazardous pesticides and development of an IT support system that will enhance public access to information on pesticides for efficient management, ultimately reducing risks to human health and the environment.

Speaking at the official launch of the agreement, Head of Bilateral Development Cooperation – at the Swedish Embassy in Zambia, Susanna Hughes said:

“We look forward to see how the Swedish Chemicals Agency and ZEMA can improve the control and management of hazardous pesticides in Zambia, to reduce the risks to human health and the environment. An area of particular concern is agriculture, where exposure to pesticides is high, especially to Women and children.

And ZEMA Director General, Mr. John Msimuko, said:

“Today’s launch of the cooperation demonstrates commitment of the two institutions; to collaborate in sound management of chemicals aimed at protecting human health and the environment.  As an Agency, we are delighted to partner with KEMI to put in place a robust registration scheme for pesticides which will among other issues, identify pesticides with unacceptable risks to human health and the environment before they enter the Zambian market. This will help us as an agency, on behalf of the country to be compliant with international best practices on chemical management as required by several treaties to which we are party to such as the Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions, which promote environmentally sound management of chemicals, as well as the Basal Convention on movements of Hazardous Waste”

Meanwhile, Jenny Rönngren, long-term adviser from the Swedish Chemicals Agency said:

“Zambia is a pioneering country in the region when it comes to chemicals management and we are very happy to enter into this cooperation with ZEMA.  Our countries share common challenges related to chemicals and we hope that the Swedish experiences can benefit Zambia. At KEMI, we believe improved management of pesticides reduces the risks for poisonings and other negative health effects and degradation of the environment, thereby reducing health care costs and costs for cleaning up contaminated land and water and contributes to sustainable development.”


About the Swedish Chemicals Agency

The Swedish Chemicals Agency is supervisory authority under the Government that works to ensure that the companies' and society's chemicals control is managed in a good way. The agency strives to reduce the risk of humans and the environment getting harmed by chemicals and the goal is to prevent damage. The Swedish Chemicals Agency participates in several different types of international collaborations concerning chemicals and provides various kind of support to countries wanting to develop their chemicals control.

About the Swedish Chemicals Agency - Kemikalieinspektionen

International cooperation - Kemikalieinspektionen

About Zambia Environmental Management Agency (ZEMA)

Zambia Environmental Management Agency (ZEMA) is an independent environmental regulator and coordinating agency, established through an Act of Parliament, the Environmental Management Act No 12 of 2011. It is mandated to do all such things as are necessary to protect the environment and control pollution, so as to provide for the health and welfare of persons, animals, plants and the environment.

About Us - Zambia Environmental Management Agency (


Jenny Ronngren for the Swedish Chemicals Agency;,  +260964724370

Friday Phiri for the Zambia Environmental Managemet Agency;       , +260977399354

Last updated 15 Apr 2021, 1.32 PM