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Embassy of SwedenLusaka, Zambia

Local time 11:17 PM

First Investments under the Modern Cooking Facility for Africa Programme in Zambia

17 Jan 2024

Today we celebrate the first Modern Cooking Facility (MCFA) contracted private companies in Zambia to support access to clean and affordable cooking solutions.

Photo: A smallholder farmer in a rural village receiving biogas for cooking and biofertilizer for cultivation from a biodigester –

The MCFA is a flagship programme established by Sweden, co-funded by the European Union and Norway and managed by Nefco – the Nordic Green Bank.

“To support local companies, who often struggle to access finance, the programme offers a catalytic funding window which targets early-stage companies with the potential to scale up their operations” says Johan Hallenborg, Ambassador of Sweden to Zambia.

The awarded companies are ENGIE Energy Access Zamia Limited, BURN and Emerging Cooking Solutions (ECS) and with the help of the funding they will provide clean cooking to 550,000 Zambians by 2027.

The second funding round, which will provide up to EUR 16 million in funding, is accepting applications from companies working with clean cooking solutions in Zambia and six other Sub-Saharan African countries until 31 January 2024. Read more at

Last updated 17 Jan 2024, 4.36 PM