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Embassy of SwedenHanoi, Vietnam

Local time 11:37 AM

About us

Welcome to the Embassy of Sweden in Hanoi, Vietnam

Sweden was the first western country to establish diplomatic relations with Vietnam on 11 January 1969, i.e. more than 55 years ago. The bilateral relations have changed over time from having been primarily focused on development cooperation to today including trade exchange, political dialogue, cooperation between authorities and people-to-people relations.

Today, 15 people work at the Swedish Embassy in Hanoi, of which three are sent out from the Swedish Ministry forForeign Affairs in Stockholm.

Sweden's ambassador to Vietnam is Johan Ndisi.

The embassy's operations are carried out by two sections - one section focusing on consular affairs, migration and administration; one section with a focus on trade and Sweden promotion, economic and political affairs. Each section is headed by a sent-out staff from the Ministry for Foreign Affairs.

The embassy's overall mission is to strengthen, deepen and broaden the bilateral relations between Sweden and Vietnam in all areas. This applies to the contacts between our governments as well as between companies, organizations and citizens in the two countries.

Within the framework of consular work, it is the embassy's task to assist Swedish citizens who live in or visit Vietnam. The embassy's migration department assists Vietnamese citizens who want to visit Sweden.

In addition to the embassy in Hanoi, there is also a Swedish honorary consulate in Ho Chi Minh City.

In Vietnam there is also Business Sweden (Sweden's trade and invest council) with staff in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. Together with Business Sweden, the embassy promotes trade between Sweden and Vietnam and assists companies from both countries to find new partners and business opportunities, including investments.

Last updated 15 Aug 2024, 11.13 AM