The embassy is launching a new booking system for scheduling passport appointments. This system is designed to streamline the appointment process, making it easier for applicants to book an appointment. You can book your appointment starting from 9 January 2025.
If you need to book a passport appointment:
Starting 9 January 2025, all new appointments must be scheduled through our new booking system. You can no longer request a passport appointment through email. Visit our booking page to book your appointment. Please arrive prepared for your appointment by reading the provided information and completing all required forms in advance.
If you have requested a passport appointment through email before 9 January:
If you have already applied by e-mailing the embassy and are currently waiting for an appointment, you will keep your place in the queue. The embassy will schedule your appointment and notify you about the date and time. Please arrive prepared for your appointment by reading the provided information and completing all required forms in advance. You are of course also welcome to book an appointment through the new booking system.