Contact and opening hours

Postal address

Embassy of Sweden
11 Montagu Place
London W1H 2AL
United Kingdom

Important information for Embassy visitors

To ensure a smooth and safe visit, please note the following:

Large bags and suitcases, are not permitted. Only small bags or backpacks are allowed inside the Embassy. All bags will be hand-scanned at the entrance as part of our security procedures.

Accompanying persons who do not have any business at the Embassy are kindly asked to wait outside.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!

Please note that all times below refer to local time in the UK.

RECEPTION: General enquiries

Telephone hours: 9 - 11 am, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, 020 7917 6400


Visiting hours: 9 am - 12 noon, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

Booked appointments only after 12 noon.

CONSULAR: Assistance to Swedish citizens abroad, passports, coordination numbers etc.


Appointments: Passport and coordination number appointments are booked online.

Collection of passports/ID cards: 9 am - 12 noon, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

2 - 3 pm Thursday: additional opening time for passport collection

You do not need to book an appointment to collect your passport/ID card.

Provisional passports: 9 - 11 am, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday (NB: An emergency passport is only issued for urgent matters and very imminent journeys. Extra documentation is required. More information here.)

You do not need to book an appointment to apply for a provisional passport.

MIGRATION: Questions about migration to Sweden


Appointments, residence permits: Book an appointment by emailing the migration section (NB: Applications for visas are handled exclusively by VFS Global)

Telephone hours: 2 - 3 pm, Thursday, 020 7917 6418.

Visiting hours: 9 am - 12 noon, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday (leaving biometric data, picking up of residence card, more information here)

The Embassy is closed on the following days:


18 April
21 April
1 May
5 May
26 May
20 June
25 August
24 December
25 December
26 December
31 December