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Jobs, internships, and volunteer work within the UN

Exploring career opportunities within the UN system, whether it's jobs, internships, or volunteer work, can be a challenging task as the many different agencies and programs all have their own recruitment methods and websites. To facilitate this process, we have compiled a list of useful websites where you can search for current vacancies within the UN and related organizations. These resources offer a variety of opportunities and can be a valuable source for finding your next career opportunity within the UN.


UN's website

Main page for job opportunities within the UN Secretariat.

Links to UN's funds and programs:

  • UNDP
  • UN Women (via UNDP's page)
  • OCHA vacancies are advertised through the regular UN announcement page

Information for those already working within the UN system:

Resident Coordinator/Humanitarian Coordinator Talent Pipeline

To apply for RC/HC positions, one must first register in the Talent Pipeline.

Senior Women Talent Pipeline (SWTP)

A career program and talent pool within UNDOS that works to promote gender equality for senior positions within UN's peace operations.

Senior Leadership Talent Pipeline

UN's talent pool for candidates with extensive experience within the UN and who are interested in senior positions in the UN Secretariat, regional commissions, the UN's funds and programs, peacekeeping missions, and several other organizations.

Working on behalf of Sweden within the UN system:

Ministry for Foreign Affairs job pages (in Swedish)

Vacant jobs are announced here at EU institutions and international services. You can also read about the diplomat program.

SIDA job pages

Here you can find vacant positions, general information about various types of international services, working conditions, requirements, and how recruitment is conducted.

Folke Bernadotte Academy (in Swedish)

Works on behalf of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs to provide civilian personnel for international peace missions.

Swedish Armed Forces (in Swedish)

The Swedish Armed Forces recruit military personnel for Swedish international missions.

Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) (in Swedish)

MSB has a government mandate to maintain readiness for international aid and disaster relief operations.

Swedish Police Authority and Swedish Prison and Probation Service (in Swedish)

The Swedish Police Authority and the Swedish Prison and Probation Service recruit police officers and prison officers for Swedish international missions as well as relevant jobs at the UN Secretariat.

Forum Syd

Here you can find vacant jobs in the aid sector, both in Sweden and abroad.


UN's Internship Program

Here you can find information about the UN's internship program.

Sweden's Representative to the UN in New York (in Swedish)

The Permanent Mission of Sweden to the UN in New York offers internships during the spring and autumn semesters. The Swedish Mission does not have interns during the summer months.


UN Volunteers

UN volunteers work on various aid projects worldwide. There is also an opportunity to work from home, via computer, through Online volunteering.

UN Youth Volunteers

As a volunteer, you work in the field at one of the political, development, or humanitarian UN missions. The program is for individuals aged between 18 and 29 who want to engage in international peace initiatives.

Last updated 23 May 2024, 4.41 PM