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Permanent MissionUN, New York

Local time 6:19 AM

Statement by Sweden at the General Humanitarian Debate – presentation of the Omnibus resolution

Statement delivered by Ambassador Irina Schoulgin Nyoni on behalf of Sweden at the General Humanitarian Debate – presentation of the Omnibus resolution, United Nations, 8 December 2017, New York.

Mr President,

It is my great pleasure to introduce to the General Assembly, on behalf of all of the co-sponsors, the draft resolution on the “Strengthening of the coordination of emergency humanitarian assistance of the United Nations”, the so-called “Humanitarian Omnibus resolution.”

This year marks the 26th anniversary of the landmark resolution 46/182, which created the basic framework upon which our humanitarian system is built. Sweden has facilitated the negotiations of the resolution ever since.

Today, against the backdrop of an unprecedented number of humanitarian crises globally, we should remember that the goal of our efforts remains the same as on that day in December 1991, 26 years ago, when this resolution was first agreed in the General Assembly: to effectively come to the aid of our fellow women and men affected by crisis. And, the stakes have never been higher for millions of those women and men, across the world. That is why the concept of consensus and of a collaborative approach in humanitarian affairs, above and beyond national interests, is so critical. This is also the spirit that guides our work as the proud facilitators of this annual resolution and more broadly as a global humanitarian partner.

Mr President,

The annual adoption by the General Assembly of the Humanitarian Omnibus resolution reaffirms the unique leadership role of the United Nations in coordinating and responding to global humanitarian needs. Its adoption by consensus sends an important message about our collective commitment to humanitarian response and to upholding International Humanitarian Law.

This year’s resolution has a number of significant improvements, reinforcements and adaptations to reflect the humanitarian reality of today. The end-result is an improved policy platform for global humanitarian action and assistance.

Let me mention three significant areas of development:

Firstly, in 2016, global hunger rose for the first time in over a decade. This is simply unacceptable in a world that produces enough food for everyone. This year’s resolution puts additional focus on the alarming food security situation for millions of people, and the risk of famine, as well as on the factors driving these crises, including conflict. 

Secondly, schools and hospitals should be safe spaces for those who use them and those who staff them. We have further strengthened the language on the protection of schools and the need to safeguard safe and protective school environments in humanitarian emergencies. We have also significantly strengthened the language on the safety and security of medical personal and healthcare in armed conflict.

Thirdly, this year’s resolution provides a stronger platform for humanitarian reform and humanitarian financing, highlighting the responsibilities of both donors and humanitarian actors and the importance of modalities such as the humanitarian country-based pooled funds in delivering life-saving assistance to those in need.

This year’s resolution also reflects the inter-dependency and criticality of partnership between different aspects of humanitarian assistance, and the importance of the nexus between shorter-term humanitarian efforts, longer-term investments in sustainable development and our common responsibility to sustain peace.

By these and other improvements, we have taken a collective step towards a stronger, more effective, and more inclusive humanitarian response system. We now count on the UN and its Member States to implement these important changes.

Mr President,

I am pleased and indeed gratified, to once again be able to report a significant increase in the number of co-sponsors for this resolution. At 98, we are now at an all-time high, with strong cross-regional support for the important issues and objectives we outline in the Omnibus resolution. I would like to take this opportunity to warmly thank and congratulate delegations for their active and constructive engagement on this year’s resolution and for supporting it through your co-sponsorship. We look forward to the formal adoption of the resolution by consensus later on during this session.

Mr President,

The strengthened resolution that I am proud to present here today is the result of the common dedication of many active Member States, small and large. Of countries providing humanitarian assistance, and of those receiving it. Of countries prone to disasters, and of those with lessons on how to avoid them. Of countries that have suffered armed conflict which forced parts of their population to flee, and of countries generously hosting those in need of protection.

Such broad and diverse ownership demonstrates the truly global nature of humanitarian solidarity. It is through our collective action and continued support for this work that we will succeed in improving the global humanitarian system, and ultimately provide relief to those who need it the most.

Thank you.

Last updated 19 Jan 2018, 1.11 PM