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Permanent MissionUN, New York

Local time 4:30 PM

Statement by Sweden at the 10th NPT Review Conference, Main Committee III

08 Aug 2022

Statement delivered by Sweden at the 10th NPT Review Conference, Main Committee III, United Nations, New York


Sweden associates itself with the statement made by the European Union and by Australia on behalf of the Vienna Group of 10. Sweden’s general priorities for Main Committee three are also reflected in the working paper presented by the Vienna Group of 10. Let me now make some additional points in my national capacity.

Sweden acknowledges the great importance of the safe and effective application of nuclear technologies for peaceful purposes. It is the inalienable right, under Article IV of the Non-Proliferation Treaty, of all States parties to undertake the research, production and use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes, provided the non-proliferation and verification requirements of the Treaty are fully adhered to and the highest levels of safety and security can be maintained.

In this connection, Sweden condemns in the strongest terms the unprovoked and unjustified aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, which is a gross violation of international law, including the UN Charter. The Russian actions directly threaten the safety and security of Ukrainian nuclear facilities, notably at the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant which remains illegally seized by Russian troops. We call on the Russian Federation to immediately cease all military actions and withdraw from Ukraine in accordance with the IAEA Board of Governors resolution of 3 March 2022. Pending the implementation of the resolution, we support the efforts of the IAEA and its Director General, including to ensure adherence to the seven “indispensable pillars” of nuclear safety and security.

The IAEA plays a key role in assisting States parties wishing to employ nuclear applications to attain development objectives. Sweden is a strong supporter of the Agency’s Technical Cooperation Programme and its wide variety of activities, assisting Member States in utilizing nuclear technologies in a safe, secure and peaceful manner.

The Agency’s work to develop and transfer nuclear technologies for peaceful use is also increasingly important when it comes to realizing the Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.

The IAEA plays a key role in enhancing the global nuclear safety regime, helping to strengthen safety measures for all nuclear fuel cycle activities. We encourage all States to become party to the nuclear safety related Conventions and to host IAEA review missions on a regular basis. We welcome the successful convening of review conferences for the Nuclear Safety Convention and the Joint Convention.

Sweden supports the Initiative on a “Sustained Dialogue on Peaceful Uses”, which is a good example of how access to peaceful uses can be further improved. The initiative seeks to bring together a number of stakeholders: nuclear organisations like the IAEA with the wider development community; practitioners from developing countries delivering nuclear technologies in the field with aid organisations looking to support their work in health, agriculture and more; policy makers with experts from civil society etc.

Sweden is proud to be a supporter of the Agency’s Rays of Hope Initiative, in particular as it relates to the early diagnosis and effective treatment of cervical cancer in low and middle income countries. Our support for this project, and for earlier IAEA projects to combat women’s cancer, is an expression of Sweden’s Feminist Foreign Policy and our focus on sexual and reproductive health and rights. We also reiterate the importance of achieving gender equality and to integrate a gender perspective in all aspects of the Agency’s work.

The Agency is actively engaged in helping Member States monitor and mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and address other climate challenges. Sweden will continue to provide extrabudgetary support to the Agency’s project “NUTEC Plastics”, which helps to address and counteract the threat of microplastics to marine life. This follows several earlier extrabudgetary contributions to support the Agency’s research into marine plastics using nuclear techniques.

I thank you.

Last updated 08 Aug 2022, 5.37 PM