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Permanent MissionUN, New York

Local time 6:24 PM

National statement at the International Migration Review Forum

20 May 2022

National Statament delivered by Ms. Jenny Ohlsson, State Secretary for International Development Cooperation, at the General Debate of the International Migration Review Forum, 20 May 2022, New York

Excellencies, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,

The adoption of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration marked a new era for international cooperation on migration.  I am proud that Sweden is part of this process, and that my country reaffirms its commitment to the compact today.

To realize our shared vision to make migration work for all, and leaving no one behind, I want to underscore a few core points that the Swedish government believes deserve extra attention.

First, the human dimension lies at the heart of migration. At all levels, the promotion of human rights must remain central in implementing the Compact. Special attention must be given to achieving gender equality – a migration that works for all, must work for both women and men, girls and boys. We also need to ensure that migrants are protected from violence and abuse and that we enhance efforts to prevent trafficking in persons for all forms of exploitation.

Second, migrants make significant contributions to sustainable development. Newcomers to a community can be an important resource. We need to support their integration and provide sufficient tools and opportunities for migrants to fulfil their potential to enrich our societies.

Third, adverse drivers of migration have worsened, compounded by global crises like the pandemic and climate change. Most recently, the Russian aggression against Ukraine has brought about food, energy, and financial crises that will hit low- and middle-income countries the hardest. Sweden stands ready to support our partners across the globe in addressing these vulnerabilities and work to prevent further increases in involuntary or irregular migration.

Fourth, a comprehensive approach is needed, where rights and obligations are respected at all stages, and by all parties. This includes our shared international obligation to readmit returning nationals and to ensure that they are properly received without undue delay.

Finally, I want to underscore the importance of international partnerships, a theme which sits at the core of Sweden’s national review to the IMRF. As State Secretary for International Development Cooperation, I have the pleasure to collaborate with partners across the globe on projects ranging from protecting migrant’s rights to addressing irregular migration. These partners include governments, multilateral institutions, regional organizations, civil societies, and diaspora, migrant and host communities. All bring their specific competencies, skills and perspectives that drive our agenda forward.

In terms of migration partners, I especially want to highlight our partnership with IOM. Sweden is proud to be the largest donor of unearmarked voluntary contributions to IOM with over 10 million USD yearly. We have also supported collective action through our contributions to the UN Migration Multi Partner Trust Fund.  


We need to step up our efforts to ensure that migration remains a choice, and that it takes place in a safe, orderly, and regular manner. In this, Sweden’s commitment to the Global Compact and our international partners remains steadfast.

Thank you.

Last updated 20 May 2022, 11.24 AM