Human Rights Council - item 4

18 Sep 2019

Swedish statement delivered by H.E. Ambassador Veronika Bard.

Mr President,

Sweden fully aligns itself with the statements by the European Union.

Regarding the human rights situation in Myanmar and Syria, Sweden refers to its earlier statements this session under the same agenda item.

The democratic backsliding in many parts of the world is a cause for great concern. Restrictions on rights to freedom of expression, association, assembly and the rule of law are alarming.

In this regard, the recent detentions, sentences and disproportionate use of force against peaceful demonstrators in the Russian Federation are of great concern. We also call on Egypt to implement the new NGO law in a way that guarantees civil society to work freely.

Across the globe, human rights defenders and journalists are persecuted, arbitrarily arrested and sometimes even killed. In this regard, Sweden is particularly concerned about the situation in Iran and in Saudi Arabia.

We call on China to respect the rights to peaceful assembly, to manifest religion and culture, in particular for persons belonging to ethnic minorities in Xinjiang and Tibet, and to allow meaningful access for independent observers. In this context we recall the letter sent by 25 delegations to the President of the Council and the High Commissioner in June.

I thank you.

Last updated 18 Sep 2019, 11.50 AM