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Embassy of SwedenKampala, Uganda

Local time 5:57 AM


Welcome to the Embassy of Sweden in Kampala, Uganda

The Embassy of Sweden in Kampala has a broad mandate to promote Swedish-Ugandan relations through political dialogue, development cooperation, trade and investment, cultural exchange and through service to Swedish and foreign citizens with issues related to Swedish authorities. The Embassy also provides assistance to Swedish citizens in the event of a consular crisis.

The Embassy also represents Sweden in Central African Republic and Tchad.

Last updated 17 Jan 2020, 3.49 PM

Postal address

24 Lumumba Avenue, Nakasero

Visit us

Embassy of Sweden
P.O. Box 22669


+256 417 700 800


+256 417 700 801

E-mail for questions regarding migration

The Embassy's office and telephone hours

Office hours: Monday-Thursday 08.30-16.00 (closed for lunch 13.00-13.30)
Friday 08.00-13.00

Telephone hours: Monday-Friday 09.00-11.00 and Tuesday-Thursday 14.00-16.00.

The Embassy is closed on holidays, see actual days below.

For appointments regarding application for, and pick up of, Swedish passports book online.

For consular matters, kindly contact us via phone or email. Emails are read during office hours.

Visitors to the Migration section

For appointments to the migration reception, kindly book online

Phone hours for questions related to migration: Monday 15.00-16.00, Friday 11.00-12.00.

For information on how to apply for a short stay visa (maximum 90 days) to Sweden. Please visit Apply for a Visa

Social media

Facebook: @embassyofswedeninkampala
Twitter: @SwedeninUG
Instagram: swedeninug

The Embassy is closed the following holidays 2025:

  • 1 January
    New Years Day
  • 6 January
  • 31 March
    Eid al-Fitr
  • 18 April
    Good Friday
  • 21 April
    Easter Monday
  • 1 May
    Labour Day
  • 3 June
    Martyr's Day
  • 6 June
    Sweden's national day
  • 20 June
    Midsummer's Eve
  • 9 October
    Ugandan Independence Day
  • 24 December
    Christmas Eve
  • 25 December
    Christmas Day
  • 26 December
    Boxing Day
  • 31 December
    New Years Eve