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Embassy of SwedenBangkok, Thailand

Local time 2:34 PM

Women's Empowerment Photo Challenge

10 Feb 2021

Period: 12 February – 8 March 2021

Background and Rationale

International Women's Day (IWD) is celebrated on 8 March every year around the world. Inspired by the UN Sustainable Development Goal 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls and the Swedish Feminist Foreign Policy, the Embassy of Sweden in Bangkok, in cooperation with the Royal Thai Embassy in Stockholm, is launching a “Women’s empowerment photo challenge” to raise awareness of gender equality and emphasize the importance of strengthening the rights, representation and resources of all women and girls. 

The challenge

We invite people to share their best photo depicting ‘women’s empowerment’, including but not limited to, celebrating women’s strength and achievements, highlighting gender equality and women’s rights, breaking gender stereotypes and bias as well as portraying struggles that today’s women experience. 

All creative ideas within the theme “women’s empowerment” are welcome. 


The photo must be minimum 2000 pixels in JPEG and PNG format (most mobile photos meet these requirements) and could be accompanied by a short caption in Thai or English of max 280 characters. Submitted photos must be original and unpublished work. 


Send your entry to  We need the photo and contacts details of the photographer. Submissions close by midnight 28 February 2021. 

The winners will be announced on 8 March 2021 on the Embassies’ social media pages. 


The participants are open for Thai nationalities regardless of their age and genders. Participants shall submit minimum 1 and maximum 5 photos matching the topic of the challenge. 


A jury, consisting of the Ambassador of Sweden to Thailand, Swedish photographer Dennis Thern and co-founder of SOS Earth Maria Poonlertlarp and UN Women Goodwill Ambassador Sirinya Bishop, will select the final winner out of a shortlist made by the project team. 


The winning photos will be published in the Embassy’s social media pages (Facebook and Twitter) and displayed at the Residence of Ambassador of Sweden and/or if possible, outside of one of the sponsors venues. 

Winners will receive the following prizes;

  • A fika, Swedish style coffee and cake (together with a guest of the winner’s choice) with the Ambassador of Sweden, prepared by the Swedish chef at the Residence in Bangkok or a lunch or dinner with the Ambassador of Thailand at the Thai Residence in Stockholm (depends on the winner’s country of residence)
  • IKEA Thailand Voucher worth 5,000 baht
  • Husqvarna Voucher worth 5,000 baht
  • Fitness 24 Seven 6-month membership

(Prizes are supplied by partner companies) 

Terms and Condition

The Embassy reserves the right to modify or cancel the challenge or any event, schedule, plan, etc. directly or indirectly related to it, at any time and for any reason, if deemed necessary by the project team. 

Consent and protection of minors shown in the photos

All participants shall ensure that all images of identifiable persons are taken with their consent and not infringing the rights or copyright of third parties.

Participants shall seek to obtain the consent of children they photograph as well as their legal guardians. See example here: Example of consent form (Eng)


Although retaining the copyright for all submitted photos, all participants shall assign the Embassy a permanent right to use the submitted photos in publications, on websites related to women empowerment. The photographers name will be credited for all publications.

Last updated 10 Feb 2021, 11.28 AM