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Embassy of SwedenBangkok, Thailand

Local time 2:23 PM

Important information from the Migration Section

17 Mar 2020

Important information to all our visitors regarding the revised regulations on the entry ban, the frequently asked questions, updated operation hours at the Migration Section, current Telephone hours, submission of Schengen visa applications, and sending Residence and work permit cards (UT Cards) to the Swedish Embassy in Manila. Information about Residence permit for studying and researching in Sweden, please refer to the Swedish Migration Agency's website. (Updated September 21, 2020)

From November 2, 2020 until further notice, the Telephone hours at the section will be Monday, Tuesday, Thursday between 13.30-15.00 hrs. and Friday 10.30-12.00 hrs. Wednesday closed.


Temporary entry ban

On 17 March, the Government decided to temporarily ban non-essential travel to Sweden from all countries except EU Member States, the United Kingdom, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Switzerland. Following a call from the European Council and the European Commission, the entry ban was introduced to mitigate the effects of the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and reduce the outbreak of COVID-19. The ban has been in effect since 19 March. At the same time, the Government decided to ease the restrictions for more travellers. This decision is in line with new recommendations from the Council of the European Union. 

All decisions regarding entry to Sweden are made by the Swedish Police at the Border Crossing Point.

It will be a matter for the Swedish border control authorities (primarily the Swedish Police Authority) to determine in each individual case how the exemptions are to be interpreted and which decisions are to be made. The purpose of the measures is to mitigate the effects of the COVID-19. 

Please refer to the official Embassy’s Facebook page and the Government Offices of Sweden’s website for more information


For information on how the entry ban to Sweden is to be interpreted, please refer to the Swedish Police's website.


For concerns regarding the examination of applications for residence, work, and student permit, or if you are visiting Sweden and cannot return home, please refer to information from the Swedish Migration Agency's website



Frequently asked questions


Limited possiblities of obtaining a Schengen visa to Sweden

Due to COVID-19 and the temporary entry ban to Sweden, the Swedish Migration Agency has decided that the majority of visa applications will be rejected if you do not fall in one of the exempted categories.  For more information, click here.


Can I change my travel dates if I have been issued a Schengen visa?

Under article 16,7 to the Visa Code: The visa fee shall be charged in euro, in the national currency or in the currency usually used in the third country where the application is lodged, and shall not be refundable except in the cases referred to in Articles 18(2) and 19(3) stating that:

  • if the consulate is not competent, it shall, without delay, return the application form and any documents submitted by the applicant, reimburse the visa fee, and indicate which consulate is competent
  • where the competent consulate finds that the conditions have not been fulfilled, the application shall be inadmissible

Can I enter Sweden if I'm travelling on a Temporary Visitor's Permit?

The general rule is that people travelling to Sweden who are not under the exempted categories will be denied entry.

Can I enter Sweden with a national visa?

If you hold a national visa (D Visa) for Sweden, you may be exempted from the entry ban and may be allowed to enter Sweden.

Can I enter Sweden with a Swedish residence permit?

Foreigners can be exempted from the entry ban if they have been granted the residence permit in Sweden and they have close family connection to a person within one of the following categories:

  • Swedish citizens
  • EEA* citizens
  • foreigners holding a residence permit in Sweden.

Close family connection includes e.g. spouse, common law partner, partner or children.

What does the decision mean for exchange students who are studying in Sweden but are currently abroad - can they return to Sweden?

If you recently have been granted a residence permit in Sweden, you are exempted from the entry ban and you are allowed to enter Sweden. You do not have to have lived in Sweden before.

For students who require a copy of decision, please contact the Swedish Migration Agency. 

I have been granted a residence permit in Sweden and will travel to Sweden soon. I am from a country that does not need a visa to enter Sweden. Can I enter Sweden earlier than the date when the residence permit starts?

No, you cannot enter Sweden before the validity date of your residence permit. 


Operation hours at the Migration Section 

The spread of the new coronavirus also affects the activities of the Embassy and we ask all our staff and visitors to respect our policy.

The Migration Section opening hours are announced on the 'Contacts' page.

To submit an application for a Schengen visa (90 days visit), please contact VFS Global.

Applicants with booked interview schedule remain the same unless applicants are contacted by the Embassy staff.

**We kindly ask accompanying individuals to the applicant to wait at the ground floor of the building due to limited reception area at the Migration Section**


Opening hours at VFS Global Bangkok

From July 6, 2020, VFS Global Bangkok is operating every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday until further notice. Please check the VFS's website regarding their opening hours.

From July 20, 2020, VFS Global Bangkok will relocate to Chamchuri Square, 4th Floor. Please visit the website of the VFS Global Bangkok for more information.

Track your visa application submitted at VFS Global Bangkok


Opening hours at VFS Global Manila and Cebu

VFS Global Manila will reopen on June 16, 2020 for Schengen visa applications on Tuesdays and Wednesdays between 09.00 - 14.00 hrs. until further notice. Due to the current health and safety measures, the application center in Manila may not be able to accomodate high number of applicants. Please visit the website of VFS Global Manila for more information.

VFS Global Cebu will resume operation on September 3, 2020. Submission hours are Thursdays and Fridays between 09.00 - 15.00 hrs. only.

Track your visa application submitted at VFS Global Manila/Cebu


Opening hours at VFS Global Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh

From May 25, 2020, VFS Global VACs Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh will reopen for Schengen visa applications on Mondays and Wednesdays only. Please visit the VFS Global Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh for more information.

 Track your visa application submitted at VFS Global Hanoi/Ho Chi Minh


Opening hours at VFS Global Yangon

Effective from September 21, 2020, VFS Global Yangon will temporary close until further notice due to the continuous increase of Covid-19. 

VFS Global Yangon


VFS Global Jakarta and Bali

VFS Global Jakarta resumes operation from September 16, 2020 with certain limitations. VFS Global Bali remains open an usual. 

VFS helpline services can be contacted via 

VFS Global Jakarta/Bali


Residence and Work Permit Cards (UT Cards) 

The Migration Section does not provide services to send the card to other Swedish Consulates in Thailand. To collect the card, please refer to the opening hours to the Migration Section.

Applicant can still request have their card sent to the reference person's address in Sweden after it has arrived at the Swedish Embassy in Bangkok. Note that it may take 1-2 weeks for the card to be sent back to the Swedish Migration Agency before it is forwarded to the reference person's address (if requested). 

Alternatively, if the applicant cannot present him/herself in person at the Embassy to collect the card, applicant can authorize a third party on his/her behalf. An original signed power of attorney from the applicant given to a third party to collect the card on the applicant’s behalf must be presented together with copy of the applicant’s passport and original passport/ID of the authorized person. Note that third parties collecting cards for minors must have a signed authorization letter from the legal parent.

Applicants from the Philippines

Due to the current situation, the Swedish Embassy in Bangkok can, upon request by email to, facilitate to send the UT cards to the Swedish Embassy in Manila after the card arrives at the Swedish Embassy in Bangkok. This is only a temporary procedure until further notice. The dispatch is once weekly. 


Last updated 30 Nov 2020, 8.10 AM