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Embassy of SwedenBangkok, Thailand

Local time 2:25 PM

Freedom and Equality Photo Challenge 2022

07 Nov 2022

Period: 7 November – 21 November 2022

Background and Rationale

Human Rights Day is celebrated every year on 10 December. Inspired by the UN Declaration of Human Rights, the Embassy of Sweden in Bangkok is launching the Freedom and Equality Photo Challenge to raise awareness of article one in the UN declaration “All human beings are born free and equal” and to emphasize the importance of enjoyment of human rights and the power of ideas to change the world. The activity is a part of the Embassy’s Human Rights Week.

The Challenge

Everyone who lives in Thailand are welcome to participate in the challenge and freely interpret through one or several photos what freedom and equality means to them. Photos could portrait people breaking norms and stereotypes, people fighting for their rights or how the right to be free and equal takes form in the everyday life. All interpretations of the theme are welcome.


The photo must be minimum 2000 pixels in JPEG and PNG format (most mobile photos meet this requirements) and could be accompanied by a short caption in Thai or English of max 280 characters. Submitted photos must be original and unpublished work.

Participants shall submit minimum 1 and maximum 3 photos matching the topic of the challenge.


Send your entry to We need the photo and contact details of the photographer. Submissions close by midnight 21 November 2022.

The winner will be announced on 8 December on our Human Rights Reception and 10 December 2022 on the Embassy’s facebook page.

Selection of winning photos

The Embassy’s project team will select a shortlist of the best entries. The selected shortlisted entries will be published on Facebook and the winner will be chosen by public vote through our Facebook page.


The winner of the challenge will be invited (+ one guest) to our exclusive human rights dinner reception at the Residence of the Swedish Ambassador 8 December 2022. If the winner lives outside of Bangkok, the Embassy will cover travel costs. The winner will also be rewarded with a gift voucher of a gastronomic experience at the Swedish-born modern restaurant Villa Frantzén in Bangkok.

Several winners will also receive any of the following prizes, supplied by our partner companies:

  • Fjällräven backpacks worth 3450 THB and 3150 THB respectively
  • Gaston Luga bags worth 4729 THB and 3569 THB respectively
  • IKEA armchair worth 5990 THB

All shortlisted photos will be displayed at the Residence of the Swedish Ambassador during the human rights reception and, if possible, at one of our partner’s venues.

Terms and condition

The Embassy reserves the right to modify or cancel the challenge or any event, schedule, plan, etc. directly or indirectly related to it, at any time and for any reason, if deemed necessary by the project team.

Protection of minors shown in the photos

All participants shall ensure that all images of identifiable persons are taken with their consent and not infringing the rights or copyright of third parties. Participants shall seek to obtain the consent of children they photograph and their legal guardians.

See example here: Example of consent form.pdf


Although retaining the copyright for the photos, all participants shall assign the Embassy and their partners in the project a permanent right to use the photos for public display and on websites.

Last updated 07 Nov 2022, 11.52 AM