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Embassy of SwedenBangkok, Thailand

Local time 7:16 AM


Netiquette for the Government Offices’ social media accounts

Information published on the Government Offices’ social media accounts is visible to other users. Posts and comments, as well as private or direct messages, are normally official documents in accordance with Sweden’s principle of public access to official documents.

The information published on the Government Offices’ accounts, both by us and by other users, is archived or kept in an organised manner for a certain time.

It is possible to submit comments on Government Offices’ accounts. Users are requested to maintain a courteous tone, and may not publish posts or comments that:

  • constitute incitement, agitation against a national or ethnic group, child pornography offences, unlawful portrayal of violence or infringement of another person’s copyright or similar right;
  • contain offensive personal information or in any other way violate Swedish law;
  • do not keep to the subject, e.g. marketing or spam; or
  • do not maintain a courteous tone, for example derogatory comments or comments containing offensive language.

Posts or comments that break these rules may be erased from the Government Offices’ accounts. Persons who break the rules may also be blocked. 

For netiquette in Thai language:

Netiquette แนวทางของหน่วยงานรัฐ เรื่องมารยาทการใช้อินเทอร์เน็ต.pdf

Last updated 21 Sep 2020, 2.01 PM