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Embassy of SwedenBern, Switzerland

Local time 11:42 AM

GöteborgsOperans Danskompani / Eastman at ”Tanzfestival Steps” in Switzerland (April)

12 Apr 2018, 7.00 PM

Scandinavia’s largest contemporary dance company - GöteborgsOperans Danskompani – will be performing the two productions ”Noetic” and ”Icon”, both by Belgian/ Moroccan choreographer Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui

The two creations come across like two opposite, yet perfectly complementary, sides of a coin: Noetic is lucid, light and clear, completely devoted to the structures of thought and interaction. Icon, on the other hand, appeals to the corporeal, sensory existence in "heavyweight" fashion, particularly as 3.5 tonnes of clay play a none-too-insignificant role here.

Tanzfestival Steps:
12, 13, 14 April: Theater, Winterthur
19, 20 April: L’ADC au BFM, Geneva
24, 25 April: Equilibre, Fribourg

Last updated 04 Apr 2018, 1.49 PM