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Embassy of Sweden Bern, Switzerland

Local time 12:28 PM
foto: Anna Hållams/

The embassy is closed on the Friday 21st of June

05 Jun 2024

The embassy is closed on the The embassy is closed on the Friday 21st of June. The embassy opens again on Monday 24th of June.


Frequently asked questions


  • First Aid Kit
    10 Jul 2018
    Sisters Johanna and Klara Söderberg came to prominence a decade ago when self-shot footage of them singing a Fleet Foxes song went viral. Ten years later the Söderberg-sisters are on their fourth album, following up the gold-selling ‘The Lion’s Roar’ (2012) and ‘Stay Gold’ (2014).
  • Göran Tunström (Foto zvg)
    Göran Tunström: Unsere Insel, Unsere Zeit im Meer (Foto: zvg)
    08 Jul 2018
    Die 19. Ausgabe des „Festivals der leisen Töne“ führt heuer ins Seetal, an diverse andere Orte in der Schweiz sowie über die Grenze: Die Niederlande, Deutschland, Finnland, Schweden, England, Irland, Italien, Österreich sowie die Tate Gallery in London sind die diesjährigen Austragungsorte.
  • Musica Vitae, photo: Alexander Mahmoud
    14 Jun 2018
    The embassy in cooperation with “Schloss Konzerte Thun” is giving away 3 x 2 tickets for the gala night on June 15th.
X logotype

Swedish Embassy Bern

Embassy of Sweden in Bern - X

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