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Embassy of SwedenSingapore, Singapore

Local time 3:45 AM

Webinar with Brunei on Covid-19 and its impact on the mental health of Women and Girls

18 May 2020

On May 15th the Embassy had the opportunity to take part in a Webinar organized by the civil society organization “Project Women Brunei” on the topic of how the Covid19 pandemic is impacting the mental health of women & girls in Brunei

The webinar featured three experts, including Swedish Leg Psychologist Dr Lisa Clefberg and representatives of Brunei´s Ministry of Health and UNICEF. 

The Swedish ambassador gave the opening remarks, stressing the importance that Sweden attaches both to the mental health agenda and to issues pertaining to women and girls, manifested through the feminist foreign policy.

The conversation covered issues such as how women, who bear the brunt of the caregiver responsibility, are particularly vulnerable in times like this, how the pandemic has led to an increase in teenage pregnancies and how we can see a spike in domestic violence against women & girls as people are confined to their homes.

The month of May is globally recognized as the mental health awareness month.


Last updated 20 May 2020, 10.25 AM