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Embassy of SwedenSingapore, Singapore

Local time 12:41 PM

Screening of the documentary “A Plastic Ocean”

01 Mar 2018

In January and February the Embassy of Sweden in collaboration with the EU Delegation, the Embassy of Belgium and the Swedish Chamber of Commerce (SwedCham) organized three sold out screenings of the thought provoking film 'A Plastic Ocean' at the local movie theatre “The Projector”. In total close to 700 people attended.

“A Plastic Ocean” begins when journalist Craig Leeson, while searching for the elusive blue whale, discovers plastic waste in what should be a pristine ocean. What then unfolds is a documentary about the alarming amount of plastic waste in our oceans and what can be done to mitigate it.

Following each of the screenings a panel discussion was held with relevant stakeholders representing both business and civil society who shared their perspectives on the issue. Given the many questions posed by members of the audience it’s clear that this is an issue that engages people.

In his opening remarks ambassador Håkan Jevrell welcomed Singapore’s initiative to make 2018 the “Year of Climate Action”.

Last updated 14 Mar 2018, 9.10 AM