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Embassy of SwedenSingapore, Singapore

Local time 6:45 PM

Screening of the Swedish documentary “Superswede” at the European Union Film Festival

04 Jun 2018

On May 10-20 the European Union Film Festival took place at the National Gallery Singapore. The European Union Film Festival is an annual event that showcases a selection of recent European films which has encountered success in their home country.

The festival is a significant cultural event in Singapore and it is one of the highlights of the cultural cooperation between Europe and Singapore. Sweden contributed with the critically acclaimed documentary “Superswede” about the legendary Swedish Formula 1 driver Ronnie Peterson, whose life ended abruptly in a violent crash on the Monza circuit in 1978.

After the screening of “Superswede” the Embassy arranged a post-show dialogue where the daughter of Ronnie Peterson, Nina Kennedy who is also a producer of the film, participated via video link. In addition to Nina Kennedy, the upcoming Swedish Formula 3 drive Arvin Esmaeili took part of the discussion. Arvin Emsaeili, who grew up in Singapore but is now residing in the UK, spoke about the great influence Ronnie Peterson has had on him personally and still has for young race drivers today. The dialogue was moderated by the Swedish Ambassador Håkan Jevrell.

Last updated 07 Jun 2018, 2.26 PM