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Embassy of SwedenSingapore, Singapore

Local time 7:57 PM

E-waste and food waste seminar

25 Sep 2018

On Friday the 21st of September the Embassy of Sweden together with the National Environment Agency (NEA) organized a half-day seminar on the topic of recycling. The discussions focused on e-waste and food waste management and leading Swedish companies such as IKEA, STENA Recycling, Electrolux and Billerud-Korsnäs shared their experiences and strategies to secure waste reduction and sustainability.


In addition, a representative from the industry organization El-kretsen gave his perspective on the importance of various stakeholders working together. The Head of the department for Recycling at the Swedish National Environmental Protection Agency joined the seminar via Skype link.   

The seminar also included a number of interesting Singaporean speakers, including from StarHub, Food Bank and TreeDots who shared their efforts to works towards minimizing e-waste and food waste.

The seminar was well attended with about 150 participants, mainly representing the relevant industries. We would like to extend a big thank you to NEA as well as to all the speakers for an excellent collaboration that we look forward to developing further in the future!  





Last updated 25 Sep 2018, 2.57 PM