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Embassy of SwedenSingapore, Singapore

Local time 7:44 PM

Sweden’s Ambassador for Arctic Affairs visits Singapore

30 Nov 2018

In the last week of November Mr Björn Lyrvall, Sweden’s ambassador for Arctic affairs and Ms Katarina Gårdfeldt, Director General for the Swedish Polar Research Secretariat visited Singapore to take part in a number of interesting activities.

Among them was a half day joint roundtable discussion at NUS where researchers looking at various aspects related to the Arctic engaged in a sharing session with the Swedish visitors. Ambassador Lyrvall and DG Gårdfeldt also participated in a public outreach seminar that took place at the Singapore Sustainability Academy on the topic “Sweden, Singapore and the Arctic”. The visiting delegation also met with Minister of State Mr Sam Tan who oversees the Arctic portfolio and discussed potential collaborations. They also paid a visit to the Wetlands at Sungei Buloh to witness the impressive work carried out on migratory birds.

Last updated 19 Dec 2018, 3.10 PM