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Embassy of SwedenBelgrade, Serbia

Local time 11:09 PM

Swedish Film

22 Jan 2018

Contemporary Swedish film is treading into untried genres. If international audiences used to anticipate healthy portions of nudity, introspection and childhood reflection, today they might just as well come across crime syndicates, zombies and runaway 100-year-olds.

The widening of genres has helped create an increased interest in Swedish film beyond the northern European countries. Besides mainland Europe and the US, South Korea has recently grown into the most important export market for Swedish film with 16 films screened at cinemas in the past five years (compared with the Netherlands, which screened 70 Swedish films).

The most viewed Swedish films of late cover widespread genres such as comedy (The 100-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared), documentary (Searching for Sugar Man), drama (Force Majeure), thriller (The Hypnotist) and action (Easy Money).

Read more about Swedish film, awards, directors and what distincts the Swedish filmindustry from the rest of the world on

Last updated 20 Feb 2018, 11.36 AM