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Embassy of SwedenBelgrade, Serbia

Local time 12:30 AM

Serbia’s CRTA Wins the 2018 Democracy Defender Award

Serbian NGO ‘The Center for Research, Transparency and Accountability (CRTA)’ Receives the 2018 Democracy Defender Award

CRTA receives the award this year for its outstanding contribution to Serbia’s ongoing democratic progress. Its ground-breaking projects have brought greater transparency to public institutions, engaged ever more citizens in the democratic process, and CRTA’s election monitoring efforts have proven invaluable in providing the Serbian public with professional, impartial, and timely information. CRTA’s work has inspired regional activist networks, and won wide praise from the international community, said Ambassador Desirée M.J. Kopmels of the Kingdom of the Netherlands  to the Permanent Council, Vienna, when announcing this year's Democracy Defender Award.

>You can read the whole speech here.

Last updated 19 Mar 2018, 11.08 PM