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Embassy of SwedenBelgrade, Serbia

Local time 8:06 PM

A Swedish Mime Theater receives and Award at the First World Mime Conference #WORLDMIME

20 Mar 2018

On 21 March the First World Mime Conference and First World Mime Students Festival opened in Belgrade. The conference is arranged by the World Mime Organization (WMO), registered in Serbia, and is held 21-23 March with participants from 32 countries.

An award ceremony took place and the mime theatre “Pantomimteatern” from Stockholm was one of the prize winners for its longstanding performance. Last year this famous Swedish mime theatre celebrated its 40th anniversary since its foundation.

Bo W Lindström, one of the founders, said that they were very happy and proud, and that Pantomimteatern has been active for over 40 years now. The theatre still performs nationwide in Sweden and also abroad.  Lindström added that this has been, and still is, a wonderful journey.  The Pantomimteater will perform a couple times  during their visit in Serbia.

The representatives of the Swedish Mime Theatre  (From left)
Veronica Bedecs, Manager and Director
Victoria Kahn, Producer
Bo W Lindström, Mime Artist
Alice Hillbom Rudfeldt, Mime Artist

Last updated 22 Mar 2018, 5.56 PM