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Embassy of SwedenRiyadh, Saudi Arabia

Local time 8:03 AM

About us

Welcome to the website of the Embassy of Sweden in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

In addition to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia the Embassy is accredited to the Sultanate of Oman and the Republic of Yemen. 

Our main task is to promote and strengthen the relations between Sweden and these countries in a wide range of areas. Political dialogue, trade, investment and promotion of Sweden as a modern prime business and tourist destination are priorities.

However, we do also contribute to further enhance the cooperation in such fields as education, research and culture. 

Furthermore, we provide consular service to Swedish nationals living in or visiting Saudi Arabia, Oman and Yemen as well as attending to visa and other migration related services for persons planning to visit Sweden.

Business Sweden, the Swedish Trade & Invest Council, share offices with the Embassy in Riyadh.

Sent out staff at the Embassy of Sweden in Riyadh

H.E. Ms. Petra Menander, Ambassador

Counsellor, Deputy Head of Mission – Trade, Economic and Cultural Affairs

Counsellor – Head of Administration & Consular Affairs

First Secretary – Head of Migration

Second Secretary – Political Affairs

Third Secretary – Administration, Consular Affairs and Passports

Defense Attaché (travelling from Sweden)

Last updated 23 May 2024, 2.06 PM