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Embassy of SwedenKigali, Rwanda

Local time 6:18 AM

Swedish Development Cooperation with Rwanda

The Swedish government has decided on a new strategy for Sweden’s development cooperation with Rwanda. The objective of the strategy is to contribute to a continued peaceful democratic development and increased gender equality, built on an including and environmentally sustainable economic growth. The strategy applies from 2020 to 2024 and is worth a total of SEK 1 250 million.

Despite significant progress in peace and reconciliation, economic and social rights and gender equality, is Rwanda one of the world’s poorest countries. The political situation is marked by the genocide against the Tutsi in 1994, and the reconciliation process is still ongoing.

Human rights, democracy, the rule of law and gender equality

Through the new strategy Sweden will contribute in strengthening the civil society and promote a greater involvement of the population in the democratic process. The participation of women and youth will increase through focus on sexual and reproductive rights and health among other measures.

Environmentally sustainable development

Sweden will with the new strategy increase its commitment to contribute to an environmentally sustainable and including growth.

Access to electricity is a key factor to create jobs and reduce poverty. The fast growth is putting hard pressure on Rwanda’s natural resources and biodiversity. Sweden will through the development cooperation, contribute to an increased used of electricity from renewable energy sources.

Inclusive economic development and growth

To implement the national development plan and reach the global sustainability goals there is a need for new ways of cooperation and financing.

The strategy shall contribute to an inclusive economic development and growth, improved conditions for and increased access to productive employment and decent work, corporate social responsibility, and free and fair trade, including in rural areas.

Read the strategy here (in Swedish)

Research cooperation

Sweden is also supporting the development of the national research capacity through the Strategy for research cooperation and research in development cooperation 2015–2021. Synergies within the research field are sought for to promote knowledge, innovation and critical thinking through all areas of the new strategy.

The research cooperation with Rwanda provides a total of SEK 334 million for 2019-2024.

Read the research cooperation strategy here

Last updated 29 Jun 2020, 3.13 PM