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Sweden's Delegation toOSCE, Vienna

Local time 12:22 PM

Election observation

One of the OSCE's core activities is to arrange or observe national or local elections and some referendums in those participating States that lack full capacity to conduct free and fair elections. Election observation also takes place in well functioning democracies, though in smaller scale operations. The participating State concerned issues an invitation to OSCE's office for democratic institutions and human rights – ODIHR – as well as participating States to send observers. Upon such an invitation, ODIHR sets up an observation mission which is staffed by observers sent out from the participating States.

Sweden participates in 20-25 international election observation missions, mainly in OSCE participating States. The Folke Bernadotte Academy is the responsible body to select and send Swedish election observers.
Learn more on the Folke Bernadotte Academy website.

Last updated 19 Dec 2017, 3.59 PM