About the OECD

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) was established in 1961 and has its headquarters in Paris. It brings together 38 member countries sharing a commitment to democracy and the market economy.

The objective of the organisation is to support sustainable economic growth, boost employment and raise living standards, maintain financial stability, assist other countries’ economic and social development and contribute to growth in world trade. The OEEC (Organisation for European Economic Cooperation) was the predecessor to the OECD and was established in 1948 to administrate the Marshall-aid.

The OECD constitutes a forum for exchanging ideas and experiences as well as analysing key issues in almost all policy areas. By participating in OECD activities member countries learn from each other and discuss common problems with a view to establishing a sound base for national decision-taking. The organisation coordinates policies in a wide range of areas where economy, trade, agriculture, education, labour market, taxes, development cooperation, investments and governance policy are key areas.  OECD is one of the world’s largest publishers in the fields of economics and public policy.

Within the OECD, member states also establish internationally agreed instruments, decisions and recommendations in areas where common understanding and multilateral agreements are necessary.

Autonomous bodies within the OECD family

Within the OECD family there are three autonomous bodies. Those are IEA (International Energy Agency), NEA (Nuclear Energy Agency) and ITF (International Transport Forum).

IEA was established in 1974 after the oil crisis in 1973 and is an important body when it comes to cooperation on energy policy and exchange of information on the development on world energy markets. 30 of OECD’s 36 member countries are members of IEA. Once a year, the organisation publishes its World Energy Outlook.

NEA was founded in 1958 and is an important forum for information and exchange of views on various questions related to nuclear power, including reactor safety, radiation protection and waste disposal.

ITF is a global platform and meeting place at the highest level for transport, logistics and mobility. ITF meets at ministerial level once a year.
The International Transport Forum

Read more about the OECD on the Organisation's website

Last updated 19 Jun 2024, 12.21 PM