You can find comprehensive information about how to apply for a residence permit and the rules regarding residence permits in Sweden on the Swedish Migration agency’s web page. Moving to someone in Sweden
If you have been offered a job in Sweden, you need to apply for work permit. The easiest way to apply for a work permit is to make an electronic application through the Migration Agency’s web page. Migration agency - How-to-apply for a work permit Your employer will start the application by registering an offer of employment and you will thereafter receive an email and conclude the application.
If the Swedish Migration Agency informed you to book an appointment for an interivew you have to request an appointment for a interview at the Embassy.
If the Swedish Migration Agency asks you to contact the Embassy for the verification of your passport and provide your biometric data, it is imperative to make an appointment before going to the Embassy.
Please request an appointment at the Embassy.
The Migration Section at the Embassy will respond to your request as soon as possible depending on its availability.
If you applied online, your application will first be processed by the Swedish Migration Agency. If the Migration Agency has asked you to make an appointment for an interview or to submit your paper application, you must request an appointment at the Embassy.
Once the interview has been completed, the case will be transferred to the Swedish Migration Agency for a decision. Please note that the waiting time can be long due to the numerous applications for obtaining a residence permit in Sweden. Waiting time for a decision
Visit the Swedish Migration Agency website for more information and to also check whether a decision has been made regarding your case.
Once the Swedish Migration Agency has made a positive decision in your case, a residence permit card will be produced and sent to the Embassy. The time between manufacture and arrival of the card takes between three and four weeks.
When the card has arrived at the Embassy, you will receive an automated email. You can then pick it up without reservation any Thursday (except on public holidays when the embassy is closed) between 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. (during the month of Ramadan between 2 p.m. and 3 p.m.).
If you rather would like your card to be sent to your referent in Sweden, please let us know at your interview. You will need to fill out and hand in a power of attorney.
If you have completed studies corresponding to an advanced level degree, you can obtain a residence permit to come to Sweden and look for work or explore the possibilities for starting your own business.
The permit may be granted for a minimum of three months and for no more than nine months. During the period that you have this residence permit, your family cannot move to Sweden to live with you.
You can apply online at the link here Residence permit for highly qualified persons to look for work or start a business - Swedish Migration Agency
VFS Global Visa Application Center receives all types of short-stay (maximum 90 days) visa applications for Sweden and Iceland.
The contact details of VFS are as follows:
From Morocco: 080 200 97 97
From abroad: +212 537 739 578
Website: Welcome to VFS Global | For Individuals | Home
Please note that an issued visa is not a guarantee for entry into Sweden/Iceland or the Schengen area. The border police will determine whether a person fulfills the entry conditions or not. This assessment will be carried out at the border control point.
For current information on entry requirements to Sweden, please visit the Swedish Police Authority website.
A Schengen visa decision can be appealed by the applicant or by another person if the applicant has authorized that person to speak on her behalf (this is done by a written power of attorney).
An appeal shall arrive at the Embassy within 21 days after notification of the decision. Due to GDPR legislation we recommend sending it by mail, however appeals sent by email are also accepted. Submission of appeals at the Embassy takes place on Tuesdays and Thursdays 2 pm-3 pm only. Note that no original documents of value shall be submitted with the appeal and that all documents shall be in French, English or Swedish.
The appeal must mention the following points:
- the case number (to be found on the decision) and name of the applicant
- which decision the appeal refers to, the reason to why it is seen as incorrect and the desired modification
- If another person than the applicant appeals the decision, the power of attorney has to be included in the appeal.
- The signature of the appliqant or of the other person who has a power of atterney.
The Embassy will examine whether there is a need to modify the decision. If no change is made, the case will be sent to the Administrative Court in Sweden. The Administrative Court is responsible for notifying the applicant of their decision.
No, it is not possible to apply for asylum at an Embassy abroad. Such an application must be submitted directly to the Swedish Migration Agency or the Swedish Border Police when entering the country.
Those unable to apply for asylum in Sweden are generally advised to contact the nearest UNCRH to their city or place of residence.
In this case you should visit this link Pass utomlands in the Swedish version website. You will find more information about the documents and how you can make an appointment.
The MFA and the embassies are responsible for providing consular services, in other words advice and support to Swedes abroad in various emergencies and during major crises. When you contact the MFA or a Swedish embassy, you should be met with respect and in a correct manner. Our consular services are based on the Swedish consular regulatory framework and are to be provided consistently, equally and in a legally certain manner irrespective of where you are in the world. Circumstances and regulations vary in different countries and can sometimes influence conditions for consular responsibilities.
What you, as a traveller, need to prepare ahead of a trip abroad:
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