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Embassy of SwedenNairobi, Kenya

Local time 6:52 AM

Embassy Staff

Caroline Vicini, Ambassador, Head of Mission. Permanent Representative to UNEP and UN-HABITAT

Helge Flärd, Minister Counsellor, Deputy Head of Mission. Head of Section for Political and Trade

Annika Otterstedt, Counsellor, Head of Section for Kenya Development Cooperation

Joachim Waern, Ambassador to Somalia

Anna Saleem Högberg, Counsellor, Head of Section for Somalia Development Cooperation                    

Gunnel Gomez, Counsellor, Head of Section for Administration and Consular Affairs                           

Magnus Petrone, Counsellor, Head of Section for Migration. Regional Migration Liaison Officer

All staff members can be contacted through:

Last updated 19 Sep 2022, 11.22 AM