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About the Consulate General

Sweden established a Honorary Consulate General in Jerusalem 1903. Thus, in the year 2003, the Consulate celebrated its 100 years jubilee.

Swedish official presence in Jerusalem has been unbroken since that date. In 1991 the Consulate General became a career consulate with diplomatic personnel from Sweden.Today, its consular district covers Jerusalem, as well as the West Bank and Gaza strip.

The Consulate General gives consular service to Swedish citizens in the consular district (a total of about 600, of whom 450 in Jerusalem). The Consulate General issues visas, work- and residence permits for non-Swedish citizens.

The Consulate General also follows and reports about the Israeli-Palestinian peace process through contacts with the Palestinian Authority.

The Consulate General is responsible for the management of Swedish development cooperation in Palestine, with the objective to promote democratic Palestinian state building and the peace process.

Last updated 20 Dec 2017, 11.05 AM