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Embassy of SwedenTokyo, Japan

Welcome to the Embassy of Sweden in Tokyo, Japan.

Local Time 11:18 AM

The 3rd Arctic Science Ministerial (ASM3) meeting was held in Tokyo

14 May 2021

On May 8-9 the 3rd Arctic Science Ministerial (ASM3) meeting was held in Tokyo, with 28 countries/governmental representatives as 6 Arctic Indigenous Peoples’ Organizations representatives, including the Swedish Minister for Higher Education and Research Matilda Ernkrans.

The main theme of was Knowledge for a Sustainable Arctic, focusing on discussing and proposing actions through international scientific cooperation on urgent challenges facing the Arctic, and the following four sub-themes were addressed:

1. Observe: Implementing observing networks; data-sharing.
2. Understand: Enhancing understanding and prediction capability for Arctic environmental and social systems, for the global impact of these changes.
3. Respond: Operationalizing sustainable development, evaluating vulnerability and resilience, and applying Knowledge.
4. Strengthen: Preparing the next generation through capacity building, education, networking; and resilience.

Minister Ernkrans presented Sweden’s high and increased ambitions on Polar and climate related research, oriented to observe, understand and respond to the escalating climate change, which affects the Arctic before the rest of the world. Important Swedish contributions she mentioned included that Sweden has for more than 100 years been collecting land-based research data, the combination of these data with space data, and the expeditions with the polar research vessel Oden, capable of reaching the North Pole. At the meeting, she invited the other countries to join the Swedish research expeditions to the Arctic.

At the end of the ASM3, all countries and participating organizations agreed on a Joint Statement focused on deepening the international collaboration in Arctic research, for observing, understanding, and responding to the challenges in the Arctic, and strengthening future generations resilience.

Last updated 14 May 2021, 4.52 PM