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Embassy of SwedenTokyo, Japan

Welcome to the Embassy of Sweden in Tokyo, Japan.

Local Time 6:22 PM

Sweden Open Fika 16

22 Jun 2022, 6.00 PM

The Swedish embassy Tokyo is going to have a Sweden Open Fika from 18:00 on the 22nd of June.

We will talk about voter turnout, youth engagement in democracy, school election, and education to promote democracy with Swedish guests who have been involved in school elections: Rebecca Hinn, Swedish agency for Youth and Civil Society, and a Swedish youth, Rebecca Olsson Lasu.

If you want to interact with the participants in Zoom, please sign up from here. Up to 50 ppl can join and Japanese-English interpretation will be provided.

The session will be livestreamed to the embassy’s FB page.

Last updated 14 Jun 2022, 4.14 PM