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Embassy of SwedenTokyo, Japan

Welcome to the Embassy of Sweden in Tokyo, Japan.

Local Time 7:09 PM

Nordic Talks Japan - Women in Science Breaking through the Glass Ceiling

06 Mar 2024, 5.00 PM

"It is important to highlight that ending gender inequality is not only the right thing to do, it is also the most sensible thing for the economy" highlighted Katrín Jakobsdóttir, Prime Minister of Iceland, at the 63rd session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women.

This is especially true when it comes to jobs in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). In Japan only 1 in 7 scientists are women according to the World Economic Forum’s report from 2022 - the lowest ratio in the OECD countries. Women in science are facing many barriers such as social stigma, the stereotypes of women scientists, and absence of role models which can lead to disinterest towards a career in science among young female students. Given that Japan is one of the leading countries in science and technology worldwide, the absence of talented female scientists will have a negative impact the economy and lead to decrease in innovation and productivity. 

In the Nordic countries women account for one third of graduates in STEM. But still, these subjects are predominantly taken up by male students. Nordic countries also top the WEF Global Gender Gap Index. But even the Nordic countries still have unbalance in the fields of STEM and face the same problems of male bias and gender segregation. There has been some progress during the past years, but more can and needs to be done. 

There are role-models in Japan, Finland, and Iceland - Women who have broken the glass-ceiling despite the prevailing image of a male-dominated society. This Nordic Talk will focus on sharing the stories of these women, how they have gotten to their current positions, what kind of obstacles they have had, their advice for the future female scientists, and what students in Japan can learn from them. This session will also address the Japanese research and science institutes and encourage them to work on the gender imbalance.

Date & time

March 6th,  17:00-18:30

Zoom (register from the link below)
*Physical participation is strictly invitation only


Halla Hrund Logadóttir, Director-General, National Energy Authority, Iceland
Hiromi Yokoyama, Professor and Deputy Director of Kavli Institute at the University of Tokyo
Kristiina Jokinen, Senior Researcher, AIST Tokyo Waterfront/Adjunct Professor, University of Helsinki


Ryan Takeshita, Chief Global Editor/VIce President, PIVOT

17:00 Opening remarks by Ambassador from Finland to Japan, H.E. Tanja Jääskeläinen
17:10 Panel discussion
17:45 Q&A
18:25 Closing remarks by Ambassador from Iceland to Japan, H.E. Stefán Haukur Jóhannesson
18:30 End of streaming


Embassy of Denmark in Tokyo, Embassy of Finland in Tokyo, Embassy of Iceland in Tokyo, Embassy of Norway in Tokyo, Embassy of Sweden in Tokyo, Finnish Institute in Japan, Nordic Innovation House Tokyo, UNIVERSITY of CREATIVITY


The event will be held with English-Japanese simultaneous interpretation, recorded, and made publicly available. For any inquiries please contact tokyo(a)

Please register here:
Women in Science Breaking through the Glass Ceiling 女性科学者たちの挑戦 -ガラスの天井を破るには- — Nordic Innovation House

recorded, and made publicly available. For any inquiries please contact tokyo(a)

Last updated 28 Feb 2024, 10.42 AM