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Embassy of SwedenAthens, Greece

Local time 2:15 PM

Nordic Narrative in Athens

22 Feb 2019

On February 19th the opening of the two exhibitions “Greece through the eyes of the travellers from the North” and “Short readings: Nicolas Calas’ Documents at the Nordic Library at Athens” took place.

The Nordic Embassies and Institutes in Athens, the Nordic Library in Athens and the Embassy of Iceland in Oslo (accredited to Greece) have joined forces to present #The Nordics to the Greek public through three different projects, all related to books and literature and all under the auspices of “Athens UNESCO World book capital 2018”.

The opening of the exhibitions; which took place at the Swedish institute; was attended by over 100 guests, who heard interesting presentations about Nordic travellers’ experiences in Greece in different times. Greece has certainly been one of the favorite destinations for Nordic travellers for a long time! 

The Nordic Library at Athens participates in the festivities of the Athens World Book Capital 2018 by hosting these two small-scale exhibits. You can read more at the Library's website. 

 Nordic Narrative

Last updated 22 Feb 2019, 4.32 PM