WPS working group meeting in Geneva

02 Oct 2024

The second meeting of the Women, Peace, and Security (WPS) Working Group for the Arab States was held from September 30th to October 2nd at the Friedrich-EbertStiftung offices in Geneva, Switzerland.

The three-day meeting was part of an ongoing series of dialogue sessions focusing on the development of a “WPS White Policy Paper”, which aims to provide a regional narrative for WPS and actionable recommendations for enhancing the implementation of the agenda in the Region. Furthermore, the white paper’s objective is to integrate regional perspectives from the Arab States into global discussions on women peace and security throughout the 25th anniversary year of the UN Security Council Resolution 1325 in 2025. While the nature of the paper will remain dynamic in order to ensure its relevance to the changing contexts in the region, the paper will eventually be widely disseminated with the international community and other regional, national and global stakeholders, throughout the 25th anniversary year of the agenda.

Read the full report from the WPS working group meeting in Geneva.

Last updated 23 Jan 2025, 12.39 PM