Changes for those residing in Cyprus who wish to apply for residence and work permit.
NEWSThe embassy can provide advice and support to Swedes abroad who are in various emergency situations. If you want to know what type of consular service that could be provided to Swedes abroad, you find information on the homepage of the Government Offices of Sweden: Government Offices of Sweden
Entry into the Republic of Cyprus as well as exit from the Republic of Cyprus requires an approved travel document, i.e., a valid passport or a valid national identity card. The travel document needs to be valid until the return journey has taken place.
Travelling in the EU.
Passport and national ID card.
When you as a Swedish citizen travel within the EU or the Schengen countries Norway, Switzerland, Iceland and Liechtenstein, you must always carry your passport or national ID card issued by the police. This is important for you to be able to identify yourself and show in which country you are a citizen. An ordinary ID card or a Swedish driving license is not valid as a travel document.
Your Europe on travel documents within the EU:
Your Europe is an EU website that provides advice to EU citizens, including on which travel documents you need to carry with you when you travel to another EU country.
More information on Your Europe homepage: Travel documents for EU citizens
The Police issues passports and national ID cards
Valid travel documents when travelling within the EU are those issued by national authorities. Contact the Police Authority for more information on how to obtain a passport or a national ID card.
More information on the Police Authority's homepage: Apply for a passport and national ID card
General emergency number: 112
Ambulance service: 1420
In the Republic of Cyprus, EU citizens have the right to emergency medical care under the same conditions as Cypriots. To access care, you need to be able to show the blue EU card from the Swedish Social Insurance Agency. If you don't have the European Health Insurance Card, EHIC, with you, contact the Swedish Social Insurance Agency to get a provisional certificate. You can also call telephone number: +46 771-524-524.
More information on the Swedish Social Insurance Agency's homepage: Försäkringskassan
In northern Cyprus, the EU regulations are suspended, and thus the right of EU citizens to receive care on the same terms as locally does not apply. In other words, the blue EU card from the Swedish Social Insurance Agency is not valid in northern Cyprus. We encourage all Swedes in northern Cyprus to ensure that they have travel insurance that covers care in northern Cyprus. If you do not have insurance, costs for medical care risk being very high.
You can apply for a new ordinary passport or a national ID card at the embassy in Nicosia. Appointments are made electronically on our website.
Appointment booking for passport and national ID card.
In an emergency, you can also apply for a provisional passport for an imminent return trip.
More information on what documents are needed for a passport renewal can be found here
In a crisis situation, you can find the embassy's and the Ministry for Foreign Affairs' advice and information for Swedish citizens in the embassy's travel information. Feel free to download the UD Resklar app, the app is directly linked to the travel information and contains the same information. To make it possible to be contacted by the embasssy or the Ministry for Foreign Affairs in a crisis situation, you can register on the embassy's Swedish list.
The embassy's current travel information about Cyprus can be found at this link.
All opening hours and contact information can be found here.