Sweden-related Organisations in Eastern China
On this page you will find a selection of links and addresses of Sweden-related organisations in Eastern China. If you want to know more about organisations in all of China, please go to the website of the Embassy of Sweden in Beijing.
Business Sweden
Contact: Mr David Hallgren
Tel: + 86- (0) 21-6218 9955
Email: china@business-sweden.se
China - Business Sweden (business-sweden.com)
Address: Sail Tower, 266 Hankou Road, Huangpu District, Shanghai
Swedish Chamber of Commerce, Shanghai
Contact: Ms Ida Sandgärde
Tel: +86-(0)21-5117 5830
E-mail: shanghai@swedcham.cn
Address: 5 Fl. The Executive Center, 159 Madang Rd. Huangpu District, Shanghai
Young Professionals
Young (even if only in the mind) Swedish people in Shanghai networking and having fun together on a regular basis. Connected to the Swedish Chamber of Commerce.
Contact: ypshanghai@swedishchamber.com.cn
Swedish Club
A network for Swedish-speaking persons in Eastern China.
Email: swedishclubsha@gmail.com
Nordic Centre (at Fudan University)
Contact: Mr Veli-Matti Palomäki
Tel: +86-(0)21-6564 2267
E-mail: veli-matti@nordiccentre.net
Address: 220 Handan Road, Yangpu District, Shanghai
Sweden-China Trade Council (SCTC)
Contact: Ms Savada Mok
Tel: +86-(0)21-6282 5731
E-mail: savadamok@zgmchina.com
Swedish School in Shanghai