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Consulate-GeneralBrussels, Belgium

Local time 10:34 AM

Terror attack in Brussels on the 16th of October

17 Oct 2023

Two Swedish nationals were shot and killed on Monday night in Central Brussels and one person was injured. Belgium raised the terror alert to 4, but one day later lowered it to 3.

Swedish nationals abroad are encouraged to exercise increased caution and vigilance and to follow the advice of local authorities.

Swedes abroad are also encouraged to register on the list of Swedish citizens abroad and to download the UD Resklar app and to activate push notifications for Belgium.

For more information on safety matters in Belgium:

Link to (Centre de Crise)

Link to Brussels-region homepage.  

Twitter (Centre de Crise)

Facebook (Centre de Crise)

France has extended the border control of the country's internal border crosssings which can influence the border crossing to Belgium.

More information from the airport authorities: 

Departure/arrival Brussels Airport

For more information on the rail traffic in Belgium: SNCB - Information

For more information on the local traffic in Belgium: STIB Bruxelles

Please register your stay abroad so that we can contact you if needed. The information is used as part of crisis management in case there is a consular crisis situation during your stay abroad. Registration is voluntary on  swedenabroad.


Last updated 17 Oct 2023, 9.39 PM