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Consulate-GeneralBrussels, Belgium

Local time 10:46 PM

International Women's Day Breakfast Discussion

08 Mar 2023, 8.30 AM - 10.30 AM

TAKING THE STAGE - Gender equality in the performing arts International Women’s Day Nordic Breakfast Discussion Wednesday, 8th March, 08:30 - 10:30 CET

Our annual International Women’s Day Nordic Breakfast Discussion will this year focus on gender equality in the performing arts.

Join us for a breakfast discussion with a group of performing arts professionals and hear their view from a Nordic perspective on issues regarding gender and discrimination within the performing arts industry. The panel will explore a range of topics, from visibility and representation in the industry to creating space for intersectionality and understanding masculinity in the context of gender equality. Also, asking questions: Who should we engage in discussions like this? Who is doing the work right now, and who needs to? Do inclusion policies in this industry truly work?


Ingeborg Okkels | Board member, Kvinder i Musik and founder of Lydværk (Denmark)
Anna Kolfinna Kuran | Choreographer and performer (Iceland)
Selena Sefany | Communications and events adviser, Balansekunst (Norway)
Mia Ternström | Project Manager, Keychange (Sweden)

Moderated by Tamara Makoni | CEO and founder of Kazuri Consulting - inclusion expert with broad experience in diversity, equity & inclusion (DEI) and cross-cultural leadership

Welcome by David Ek, Counsellor for Cultural Affairs, Permanent Representation of Sweden to the EU

Keynote by Georg Haeusler, Director, Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture (EAC), European Commission


8:15 Doors Open, Breakfast
9:00 - 10:30 Panel discussion with Q&A

RSVP by 20th February 2023 to: Please bring a valid ID card!

The International Women’s Day Nordic Breakfast Discussion is organised by the Embassy of Sweden, the Permanent Representation of Sweden to the EU, Finnish Cultural Institute for the Benelux, the Embassy of Denmark, the Embassy of Finland, the Embassy of Iceland, the Norwegian Embassy and The Mission of the Faroes to the European Union.

Last updated 06 Mar 2023, 1.58 PM