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Consulate-GeneralBrussels, Belgium

Local time 4:44 PM

International Women's Day Breakfast Discussion

08 Mar 2022, 9.00 AM - 10.30 AM

Consent law, no blurred lines? International Women’s Day Nordic Breakfast Discussion Tuesday, 8th March, 09:00 - 10:30 CET

Our annual International Women’s Day Nordic Breakfast Discussion will focus this year on consent law.

Most citizens today consider rape as “sex without consent”. Yet, for years the worldwide legislation did not match this public opinion – until now. In 2022, several Nordic countries have implemented consent laws in their legislation. What are the stories leading up to the adoption of consent law? What are the reasons for many Nordic countries to have adopted the consent law? What are the consequences of legally defining rape as “sex without consent”? What does the adoption of a consent law mean for gender equality? Led by these questions, the Nordic breakfast discussion will take a deeper look into the reasons behind the adoption of a consent law.

The event will be streamed live from the Norwegian Embassy in Brussels

With speakers:

Turið Maria Jóhansdóttir | Director of Amnesty International in the Faroe Islands.                  (Faroe Islands)

Thorbjorg Gunnlaugsdottir | Member of the Icelandic Parliament (Iceland)

Jo Martin Stigen | Law professor at University of Oslo, specialist in international and Norwegian criminal law. (Norway)

Ida Östensson | Feminist and co-founder of the Fatta movement (Sweden)

Moderated by Catherine Van De Heyning | Professor of European Fundamental Rights at University of Antwerp - Expert Advisory Committee to the UN Human Rights Council - Public Prosecutor

With opening words from the Norwegian Ambassador Per Sjaastad.


8:30 Doors Open, Breakfast 

9:00 - 10:30 CET Panel discussion with Q&A 

The event is free but subject to registration.

We invite you to register for the event via eventbrite. 

Stay up to date with the latest news by attending the event on Facebook!

The International Women’s Day Nordic Breakfast Discussion is organised by the Norwegian Embassy, the Finnish Cultural Institute for the Benelux, the Embassy of Finland, the Embassy of Sweden, the Embassy of Iceland, the Embassy of Denmark and The Mission of the Faroes to the European Union.


Last updated 22 Feb 2022, 3.06 PM