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Embassy of SwedenTirana, Albania

Local time 6:20 PM

Swedish-Albanian program on Support to Albanian Negotiations for Environmental Chapter 27 (SANE27) had its first Program Board Meeting

27 Sep 2018

On 26 September 2018 Swedish-Albanian program on Support to Albanian Negotiations for Environmental Chapter 27 (SANE27) had its first Program Board Meeting where representatives of Ministry of Tourism and Environment, Swedish Embassy and Swedish Environmental Protection Agency summarized first half a year of the conducted work.

During the meeting Inception report and Plan of activities were presented and discussed by the board members. Major activities done during the inception phase – identification of priorities for cooperation within Chapter 27 environment, set up of the team for the project and establishing of contacts with the key authorities in Albania. Next steps for the project within the nearest half a year will be: developing of Approach document for Chapter 27 Negotiation, Methodology for gap assessment of the exiting situation in regard to transposition, administrative capacity and implementation of the EU environmental acquis, starting with the gap assessment engaging national experts and development of stakeholders communication guidelines. In the coming period several workshops and seminars are planned for supporting the NGO roles in EU negotiation; investment and financing planning, and in the sub-sectors for waste and water management, air and control of industry emission. Next Program Board meeting will take place in February 2019 and will present the working plan for the next half a year.

Last updated 27 Sep 2018, 11.19 AM